Photo credits: TURF-Reserve Group Thesis Project Team

Decision Framework for Designing Territorial Use Rights for Fishing
Environmental Defense Fund
Tropical small-scale fisheries; Philippines
This Group Project will provide valuable information and tools for an international effort to end overfishing by focusing on nearshore, small-scale fisheries. Artisanal fisheries place extensive pressure on coastal habitats and fish populations. Rights based management solutions, which incorporate local knowledge and scientific data, have emerged as an effective way for local fishermen and fishery managers to prevent overfishing. More specifically, TURF-Reserves have been shown to increase fish abundance, biomass, and diversity, and increase fishery profits as fishermen benefit from exclusive access to coastal waters.
The success of TURF-Reserves relies heavily on design characteristics, including total area of the TURF-Reserve, geographical placement, species inclusion, and local customs and fishing habits, to name a few. Incorporating these inputs into a TURF-Reserve design requires careful coordination and planning among fishermen, fishery managers, scientists, government officials, and other stakeholders. In light of these considerations, there exists a need for a decision-making framework and tool that can be used to weigh trade-offs and help make design decisions. The team has created a simple, user-friendly framework for local stakeholders that can be adapted to different communities to help define TURF-Reserve boundaries.
This Group Project team consists of 2015 Bren students Rodrigo Oyanedel (LAFF fellow), Salvador Rodriguez van Dyck (LAFF fellow), Jennifer Macy, Kaia Joye Moyer, and Keith Shattenkirk. Chris Costello is the team’s Faculty Advisor.