Alex graduated from Eckerd College with a dual BA in Economics and Political Science. She has worked in the management and assessment of small-scale fisheries in Central America and the Caribbean. She has professional experience in the fields of fisheries modeling, marine protected area management, community outreach and sustainable development, as well as micro-finance and business creation. As a Latin American Fisheries Fellow, her interests are in the development of bioeconomic models, data-limited assessments, and market-based incentive structures as they relate to coastal management and small-scale fisheries.
Prior to Bren, Alex worked in Belize for the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment where she spearheaded the organization’s Sustainable Community Development Strategy and developed supplemental livelihood and value-added projects for local fisher folk. She later worked as a consultant with a grass-roots organization in Lima, Peru to oversee the implementation of a micro-loan program targeting young urban entrepreneurs.
Alex received her MESM specializing in coastal marine resource management. During her tenure at the Bren school as a LAFF fellow, she collaborated the Sustainable Fisheries Group and Waitt Institute to apply data-limited assessment methods to small-scale fisheries in Montserrat and Barbuda. Working with a peer LAFF fellows and the Fish Forever team, she conducted an assessment and management strategy evaluation of the corvina reina fishery in Costa Rica for the Embassy of Costa Rica. This project culminated in the creation of an online tool making the full bioeconomic model available to local managers allowing them to compare project profit and biomass outcomes of different management strategies.