Edaysi Bucio Bustos, a first-year MESM student, graduated from the Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit, Mexico in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Engineering. During undergraduate studies, Edaysi collaborated to reconstruct the Hondura’s fisheries catches at the Fisheries Center of the University of British Columbia, as a project with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
After college, she worked 4 years for the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA), within the fisheries regulatory department, at Mazatlan, Mexico. During her time at CONAPESCA, she collaborated to modified the Mexican fisheries regulatory framework in order to protect marine species and ensure sustainable fisheries practices. Additionally, she helped evaluate the effectiveness of different regulatory tools. Edaysi has experience working with multisectoral groups such as stakeholders, fisheries communities, governmental agencies, and researchers.
As a LAFF Fellow who was also awarded a Fulbright Fellowship, Edaysi is interested in management strategy evaluation for fisheries, marine spatial planning, address multidisciplinary approaches into the decision-making process, develop tools to assess and monitor marine species, fisheries community empowerment, and improve Mexican fisheries catch records.