Camila holds a degree in Biology from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), with a major in ecology and specialization in natural resources management. She graduated on 2013 and has since worked as a research assistant for the Marine Conservation Center – PUC, exploring social-ecological systems dynamics in small-scale fisheries in Chile.
At the Marine Conservation Center, Camila collaborated on a range of project, from research to review biodiversity offset’s in the scientific literature, to an initiative with a PNUD project aimed to develop a credit system for marine biodiversity offsets for the central coast of Chile. Before starting the MESM program at Bren, Camila’s primary research focused on gender roles in small-scale fisheries.
At the Bren School, Camila will pursue a specialization in Coastal Marine Resources Management as a LAFF Fellow and CONICYT Scholar (National Science and Technology Commission of Chile). For her masters project, Camila is on the "Clawless Lobter Project" which assess and systematizes the evaluation and implementation of marine reserves in the Mexican Caribbean.
Her professional goal is to pursue an academic platform that enables her to further her applied research towards better understanding complex social-ecological systems in Chile, with the ultimate goal of advancing sustainable management of marine natural resources in her home country.